This is a comprehensive list of every appearance by a named character.
Major recurring characters, such as Jonathan Sims and the archival staff, are frequently omitted to avoid excessive repetition. All such characters have a full list of appearances on their individual pages.
Episodes 1-10[]
- Episode 1
- Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist at the Magnus Institute.
- Elias Bouchard, Head of the Magnus Institute.
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist, deceased.
- Martin Blackwood, research assistant to Jonathan Sims.
- Timothy Stoker, research assistant to Jonathan Sims.
- Sasha James, research assistant to Jonathan Sims.
- Nathan Watts, statement giver in episode 1.
- Michael MacAulay, friend of Nathan Watts.
- John Fellowes, student at the same university as Nathan Watts.
- Jessica McEwan, disappeared in the Fishmarket Close area Nov, 2005.
- Sarah Baldwin, disappeared in the Fishmarket Close area Aug, 2006.
- Daniel Rawlings, disappeared in the Fishmarket Close area Dec, 2006.
- Ashley Dobson, disappeared in the Fishmarket Close area May, 2008.
- Megan Shaw, disappeared in the Fishmarket Close area June, 2008.
- The Anglerfish, mysterious entity.
- Episode 2
- Joshua Gillespie, statement giver in episode 2.
- Richard, friend of Joshua Gillespie.
- John, pays Joshua Gillespie £10,000 to store a coffin.
- Breekon & Hope, large delivery men speaking with cockney accents.
- Episode 3
- Amy Patel, statement giver in episode 3.
- Graham Folger, classmate of Amy Patel.
- Not-Graham, mysterious entity that replaces Graham Folger.
- Desmond Folger, father of Graham Folger.
- Samantha Folger, mother of Graham Folger.
- Episode 4
- Dominic Swain, statement giver in episode 4.
- Katherine Mendes, friend of Dominic Swain.
- Jurgen Leitner, Norwegian book collector whose bookplate is frequently found on paranormal books.
- MacGregor Mathers, listed as owning Key of Solomon alongside Jurgen Leitner.
- Mary Keay, the owner of Pinhole Books. Presumably murdered by her son Gerard Keay.
- Gerard Keay, a distinctly goth-looking young man. Purchases Ex Altiora from Dominic Swain and burns it.
- Michael Crew, a childhood friend of Dominic Swain who was struck by lightning when he was 8 years old.
- Episode 5
- Kieran Woodward, statement giver in episode 5.
- David Atayah, Kieran Woodward's co-worker.
- Matthew Wilkinson, Kieran Woodward's co-worker.
- Alan Parfitt, Kieran Woodward's co-worker. Goes missing after obsessing over 93 Lancaster Road.
- Guy Wardman, Kieran Woodward's co-worker.
- Michael Parfitt, Alan Parfitt's brother who reported him missing.
- Police Constable Suresh
- Police Constable Altman
- Episode 6
- Timothy Hodge, statement giver in episode 6.
- Harriet Lee, a student who was infected by Jane Prentiss.
- Jane Prentiss, a person of interest to the Magnus Institute who spreads a dangerous infection of worms.
- Episode 7
- Clarence Berry, statement giver in episode 7.
- Wilfred Owen, soldier and famous poet.
- Joseph Rayner, dead soldier.
- Episode 8
- Ivo Lensik, statement giver in episode 8.
- Sam, Ivo Lensik’s fiance.
- Raymond Fielding, or at least his ghost.
- Agnes Montague, mysterious child who stayed at Hill Top Road.
- Henry White, 5-year old who went missing.
- Edwin Burroughs, catholic priest and statement giver in episode 19 and 20.
- Anna Kasuma, nurse at John Radcliffe Hospital.
- Walter Fielding, Raymond Fielding’s granddad.
- Alfred Fielding, Raymond Fielding’s dad.
- Episode 9
- Julia Montauk, statement giver in episode 9.
- Robert Montauk, serial killer and Julia Montauk's father.
- Ray Cowan, author of No Bodies in the Shed
- Rayner, connected to the People's Church of the Divine Host.
- Christopher Lorne, member of the Peoples’ Church of the Divine Host and murder victim.
- Episode 10
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in episode 10.
- Nigel Herbert, Trevor Herbert's brother.
- Sylvia McDonald, supposedly a vampire.
- Robert Arden, supposedly another vampire.
- Alard Dupont, not a vampire but a criminal.
Episodes 11-20[]
- Episode 11
- Antonio Blake, statement giver in episode 11.
- Graham, Antonio Blake's ex.
- Anahita, friend of Antonio Blake.
- John Uzel, Antonio Blake's old line manager.
- Rosie, receptionist/assistant at the Magnus Institute.
- Episode 12
- Lesere Saraki, statement giver in episode 12.
- Kayleigh Grice, doctor at St Thomas Hospital.
- Gerard Keay, one of two burn victims treated at the hospital, mentioned in episode 4.
- Unnamed burn victim, later revealed to be Diego Molina.
- Episode 13
- Naomi Herne, statement giver in episode 13.
- Evan Lukas, Naomi Herne's fiance.
- Pastor David, Naomi Herne's old pastor.
- Michael Getty, involved in a vehicular collision with Naomi Herne.
- Episode 14
- Lee Rentoul, statement giver in episode 14.
- Paul Noriega, murdered by Lee Rentoul.
- Toby McMullen, assaulted and badly hurt by Paul Noriega.
- Angela, mysterious lady with strange power.
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer.
- Episode 15
- Laura Popham, statement giver in episode 15.
- Aleana Sanderson, Laura Popham's sister.
- Alistair Popham, Laura Popham's husband.
- Episode 16
- Carlos Vittery, statement giver in episode 16.
- Major Tom, Carlos Vittery's cat.
- Episode 17
- Sebastian Adekoya, statement giver in episode 17.
- Jared Hopworth, Sebastian Adekoya's childhood friend.
- Ruth Weaver, librarian at Chiswick Library.
- Mrs. Hopworth, Jared Hopworth’s mother.
- Michael Crew, mentioned as returning the book to Chiswick Library
- Episode 18
- Christof Rudenko, statement giver in episode 18.
- Dianne/Diana, old spinster who lives next door to Christof Rudenko.
- Toby Carlisle, Rudenko's upstairs neighbour who hammered bits of meat to every surface of his apartment.
- Episode 19
- Edwin Burroughs, catholic priest and statement giver in episode 19.
- Father Harrogate, an old Augustinian exorcist.
- Father Singh, a priest at the Catholic chaplaincy in St Aldate’s.
- Bethany O’Connor, possessed student that Father Burroughs attempts to exorcise.
- Anne Willett, nurse at John Radcliffe hospital. Mentioned in episode 8 under a different name.
- Episode 20
- Edwin Burroughs, catholic priest and statement giver in episode 20.
- Christopher Bilham, murdered student, found with his face removed.
- James Mann, murdered student, had his face partially eaten by Father Burroughs.
Episodes 21-30[]
- Episode 21
- Moira Kelly, statement giver in episode 21.
- Robert Kelly, Moira Kelly's son, who has gone missing.
- Stephen Kelly, Moira Kelly's husband, deceased.
- Simon Fairchild, elderly man doing a tandem jump for charity in memory of his wife.
- Harriet Fairchild. Robert Kelly’s fellow skydiving instructor.
- Joseph Puce, farmer who finds an unopened parachute in his fields.
- Episode 22
- Martin Blackwood, statement giver in episode 22.
- Yasir Kundi, owner of the building Carlos Vittery lived in.
- Jane Prentiss, previously mentioned in episode 6.
- Episode 23
- Albrecht von Closen, statement giver in episode 23.
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute.
- Wolfgang, acquaintance of Albrecht von Closen.
- Henrik, Albrecht von Closen's brother.
- Wilhelm von Closen, Albrecht von Closen’s nephew.
- Clara/Carla von Closen, Albrecht von Closen's wife.
- Johann von Württemberg, name on the mausoleum Albrecht von Closen finds.
- Hilda/Helga, serving girl at Wilhelm's estate.
- Tobias Kohler, old man in Schramberg who remembers the tomb of Johann von Württemberg.
- Hans Winkler, Tobias Kohler's childhood friend.
- Ulrich I or II, historical figure and potential father of Johann von Württemberg.
- Jan Moira, author of Cradle of Germany – Württemberg through the Centuries
- H.T. Moncreef, author of Grim Tales
- Rudolph Ziegler, servant at Wilhelm’s estate.
- Elsa, descendant of Wilhelm.
- Michael Keay, Elsa’s husband.
- Episode 24
- Leanne Denikin, statement giver in episode 24.
- Joshua Drury, Leanne Denikin's partner.
- Nikolai Denikin, Leanne Denikin's grandfather.
- Mrs. Irene Harlow, Leanne Denikin's neighbour.
- Harold Silvana, briefly mentioned, statement giver in episode 35.
- Gregory Petry’, author of Freaks and Followers: Circuses in the 1940s.
- Gregor Orsinov, ringmaster of the Circus of the Other. Seen in an old photo from 1948.
- Episode 25
- Mark Bilham, statement giver in episode 25.
- Katherine “Kathy” Harper, Mark Bilham's girlfriend.
- Natalie Ennis, Kathy’s roommate.
- Mr. Pitch, mentioned by Natalie Ennis.
- Episode 26
- Sasha James, statement giver in episode 26.
- Robert Smirke, briefly mentioned, a 19th-century architect that Timothy Stoker is obsessed with.
- Michael, paranormal entity who leads Sasha James to Timothy Hodge (statement giver in episode 6).
- Episode 27
- Paul McKenzie, statement giver in episode 27.
- Marcus McKenzie, Paul McKenzie's son.
- Diane, Paul McKenzie's wife, deceased.
- Sarah Carpenter, previous member of the research staff at the Magnus Institute.
- Episode 28
- Melanie King, statement giver in episode 28.
- Andy Caine, co-host of Ghost Hunt UK.
- Peter Warhol, works sound for the show.
- Antonia “Toni” Farron, works the camera for the show.
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast.
- Sarah Baldwin, interim sound engineer for the show and previously mentioned episode 1.
- Episode 29
- Nathaniel Thorp, statement giver in episode 29.
- Fiona Law, research assistant at the Magnus Institute.
- Episode 30
- David Laylow, statement giver in episode 30.
- Tony Mulholland, David Laylow's ex-coworker.
- Tom Haan, David Laylow's coworker.
- Darren Lacey, builder contracted to work on AVA Meats' Dalston plant.
Episodes 31-40[]
- Episode 31
- Lawrence Mortimer, statement giver in episode 31.
- Arden Neeli, friend of Lawrence Mortimer.
- Episode 32
- Jane Prentiss, mentioned in episode 6, statement giver in episode 32.
- Arthur Nolan, Jane Prentiss’ landlord.
- Episode 33
- Carlita Sloane, statement giver in episode 33.
- Josh Cole, student using Institute resources for a dissertation.
- Samantha Emery, student doing a PhD in manifestations.
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra.
- Tadeas Dahl, first mate on the Tundra.
- Sean Kelly, crew member on the Tundra.
- Kim Duong, third mate on the Tundra.
- Nathaniel Lukas, owner of Solus Shipping PLC.
- Episode 34
- Dr. Lionel Elliott, statement giver in episode 34.
- Elena Bower, admissions officer at King’s College, London.
- Erika Mustermann, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- Jan Novak, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- Piotr Petrov, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- Pavel Petrov, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- John Doe, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- Fulan al-Fulani, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- Juan Pérez, unsettling student taking the Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology class.
- Dr Laura Gill, colleague of Dr. Lionel Elliott.
- Dr. Rashid Sadana, taught the Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies course at St Mary’s University.
- Episode 35
- Harold Silvana, statement giver in episode 35, briefly mentioned in episode 24.
- Rachael Turley, coworker of Harold Silvana.
- Alfred Bartlett, coworker of Harold Silvana.
- Gerard Keay, young goth-looking man who steals a book, mentioned in episode 4 & 12.
- Episode 36
- Nicole Baxter, statement giver in episode 36.
- William Gordon, deceased funeral director.
- George Baxter, uncle of Nicole Baxter.
- Josh Baxter, cousin of Nicole Baxter.
- Hannah Ramirez, previous director of Ivy Meadows Care Home.
- Alenka Kozel, nurse at Ivy Meadows Care Home.
- Bertrand Miller, resident at Ivy Meadows Care Home.
- John Amherst, the new director of Ivy Meadows Care Home.
- An old man with aMancunian accent and a tall, lean woman with a scar on her right eye.
Episode 37
- Jason North, statement giver in episode 37.
- Ethan North, Jason North's Son.
- Lucy North, Jason North's Wife.
Episode 38
- Andre Ramao, statement giver in episode 38.
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer, fence mentioned in episode 14.
- Charlie Miller, previous Salesa customer.
- David, Andre's husband.
Episode 39
- Jane Prentiss, the Flesh Hive.
- Unnamed entity that attacks Sasha in the artefact storage.
Episode 40
- Elias Bouchard, statement giver in episode 40.
- Sasha James, statement giver in episode 40.
- Timothy Stoker, statement giver in episode 40.
- Martin Blackwood, statement giver in episode 40.
Episodes 41-50[]
Episode 41
- Jonathan Sims, statement giver in episode 41.
- Jeremy Bentham, initial designer of Millbank Prison.
- Robert Smirke, final designer of Millbank Prison.
Episode 42
- Jennifer Ling, statement giver in episode 42.
- Alfred Grifter, frontman of Grifter's Bone.
- Tommy Moncreef, Jennifer Ling's boss at Earful.
- Mike Baker, coworker.
- Lee Kipple, submission editor at Earful.
- Albert Sans, man in silk robe allegedly seen at the Dean Street Jazz Club.
- Agatha Norwell, neighbour and victim of Jennifer Ling.
Episode 43
- Police Constable Basira Hussain, statement giver in episode 43.
- Richard Carver, Section 31 Constable.
- John Spencer, Police Constable.
- Diego Molina, arsonist, burn victim in episode 12.
- Alice “Daisy” Tonner, Section 31 officer, Basira’s partner.
- Sergeant Harry Altman, Section 31 officer.
Episode 44
- Gertrude Robinson, previous Head Archivist.
- Yuri Utkin, statement giver in episode 44.
- Piotr, friend of Yuri.
- Ivan Utkin, Yuri’s brother.
- Gregor Orsinov, ringmaster of the Circus of the Other.
- Nikolai Denikin, organist for the Circus of the Other, grandfather of Leanne Denikin in episode 24.
Episode 45
- Thomas Neill, statement giver in episode 45.
- Dr. Neil Thompson, head researcher.
- John Snow, 19th-century physician, alleged original owner of Neil Thompson’s syringe.
- George Larson, research assistant.
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer from episode 38.
Episode 46
- Herbert Knox, statement giver in episode 46
- Michael Crew, purchaser of Ex Altiora, Dominic's friend in episode 4
- Jurgen Leitner, book collector
- Kirstin Bowman, Herbert Knox's friend
Episode 47
- Helen Richardson, statement giver in episode 47
- Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Lombardi, potential buyers of the St. Albans Ave house
- Michael, strange being, subject of Sasha’s statement in episode 26
- Sasha James (?), archival assistant
Episode 48
- Andrea Nunis, statement giver in episode 48
- Ethan Taylor, fellow traveller
- Gerard Keay, local goth, previously appeared in Ep. 4, Ep. 12 and Ep. 35
Episode 49
- Gregory Pryor, statement giver in episode 49
- Nicola Laredo, wife of Hector Laredo
- Hector Laredo, husband of Nicola Laredo
- Jared Hopworth, the Boneturner, previously in Ep. 17
- Harry Gough, owner of butcher shop
- James Wright, previous Head of the Magnus Institute
Episode 50
- Sampson Kempthorne, statement giver in episode 50
- George Gilbert Scott, architect
- Marianne Kempthorne, wife of Sampson Kempthorne
- Henry Roberts, architect that trained under Robert Smirke
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect, mentioned in Ep. 26 and Ep. 41
- William Bonython Moffatt, builder
Episodes 51-60[]
Episode 51
- Antonia Haley, statement giver in episode 51
- Morten Kemp, captain of the salvage crew
- Simon Fairchild, old man in episode 21
- Julio Hernandez, diver
- Sasha James (?), archival assistant
Episode 52
- Phillip Brown, statement giver in episode 52
- Robert Montauk, serial killer from episode 9
- Ivan Ilich, prisoner at Wakefield Prison
- Dave Harrington, prison guard at Wakefield Prison
- Basira Hussain, Section 31 Police Constable
- Peter Gordo, warden at Wakefield Prison
- Maxwell Rayner, Robert Montauk's visitor and assumed caller in Ep. 9
- Caroline Brodie, Phillip Brown's ex-wife
Episode 53
- Sergeant Walter Heller, statement giver in episode 53
- Gertrude Robinson, previous head archivist
- Frances Heller, Walter's brother
- Frank Malloy, command of tank crew
- Ralph McCulloch, driver of tank crew
- Dicky, loader of tank crew
Episode 54
- Alexander Scaplehorn, statement giver in episode 54
- Daniel Rawlings, owner of the Trophy Room
- Breekon & Hope, delivery drivers
Episode 55
- Jordan Kennedy, statement giver in episode 55
- Laura Star, neighbour who called Jordan Kennedy
- Jane Prentiss, the Flesh Hive, deceased
- Arthur Nolan, Jane Prentiss' landlord
- John Amherst, owner of the ant-filled house, burned by Jordan Kennedy, ran Ivy Meadows in ep.36
Episode 56
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in episode 56 and episode 10
- Sylvia Macdonald, first vampire Trevor killed
- Alard Dupont, man killed by Trevor
- "Stanley Kubrick", friend of Trevor's at the homeless shelter
- Hannah Edwards, vampire killed by Trevor
- Jane Lewis, vampire killed by Trevor
- Craig, man at homeless shelter
Episode 57
- Carter Chilcott, statement giver in episode 57
- Jan Kilbride, crew member of the Daedalus
- Manuela Dominguez, crew member of the Daedalus
- Conrad Lukas, head of the isolation project on the Daedalus
- Nathaniel Lukas, invest in the Daedalus project
- Sasha James (?), archival assistant
- Tom, Sasha's Boyfriend
Episode 58
- Mrs. Carlisle, statement giver in episode 58
- Benjamin Carlisle, husband of statement giver
- Eustace Wick, cannibalistic guide
- Adam Hawthorne
- Bruce, manager of Fort John
- Horatio Wick, ex-Lutheran preacher
Episode 59
- Ronald Sinclair, statement giver in episode 59
- Raymond Fielding, owner of the house on Hill Top Rd, Ghost in episode 8
- Dick Barrowdale, child who lived on Hill Top Rd.
- Mr. Hainsley, neighbour that Ronald and Dick pranked
- Agnes Montague, child who lived on Hill Top Rd.
- Doris Hardy, child who lived on Hill Top Rd.
- Greg Montgomery, child who lived on Hill Top Rd.
Episode 60
- Rosa Meyer, statement giver in episode 60
- Christopher Meyer, Rosa's brother
- Angus Cartwright, colleague of Christopher Meyer
- Danilo Costich, man killed by Rosa
Episodes 61-70[]
Episode 61
- Detective Alice "Daisy" Tonner, statement giver in episode 61
- Isaac Master, police officer
- Breekon & Hope, delivery drivers
- Tom, delivery truck driver
Episode 62
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Mary Keay, statement giver in episode 62
- Jurgen Leitner, collector of cursed books
- Dr. Margaret Tellison, owner of GP office
- Eric
Episode 63
- Erin Gallagher-Nelson, statement giver in episode 63
- Luke Nelson, Erin's brother-in-law
- Steph, Erin's wife
- Robert Smirke, architect of Church of St. James, previous statements include ep. 26, ep. 35, ep. 41, and ep. 50
- Melanie King, host of "Ghost Hunt UK"
- Diana, runs the Magnus Institute library
- Georgie Barker, host of the podcast "What the Ghost?"
Episode 64
- Donna Gwynne, statement giver in episode 64
- Stavo, Donna's boss
- Grigori, geologist
- Norman, connection to antique dealers
- Barry and Paul, the "muscle"
- Basira Hussain, Section 31 Police Constable
Episode 65
- Tessa Winters, statement giver in episode 65
- Sergey Ushanka, programmer who supposedly uploaded his brain
Episode 66
- Vincent Yang, statement giver in episode 66
- Mikaele Salesa, dealer of strange antiques/objects from ep. 38 and ep. 45
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra, mentioned in ep. 33
- John Ruskin, author of "The Seven Lamps of Architecture"
Episode 67
- Jack Barnabas, statement giver in episode 67
- Agnes Montague, woman Jack shortly dated and mysterious child from ep. 8 and ep. 59
- Deliah Aconjo, Jack's coworker at Canyon Cafe
- Diego Molina, bald chanting guy and burn victim in ep. 31
- Arthur Nolan, Jane Prentiss' landlord, mentioned in ep.32 and ep.55
- Jason North, discovered ritual circle in ep.37
Episode 68
- Joseph Russo, statement giver in episode 68
- Sir Frederick Treves, author of The Tale of a Field Hospital
- Gus/Al, runs the dump visited by Joseph, sold him the book
- Joseph Merrick, the Elephant Man and friend of Sir Frederick Treves
- Private John(?) Amherst, man who dies several times over in The Tale of a Field Hospital, ran Ivy Meadows in ep. 36 and was burned alive in ep. 55
- Jeffery Amherst, the baronet who gave smallpox blankets to Native Americans
- Sasha James (?), archival assistant
Episode 69
- Darren Harlow, statement giver in episode 69
- Dr. Elizabeth Bates, psychology professor at the University of Surrey
- Annabelle Cane, subject of the ESP experiment
- Laura, Darren's coworker(?)
- Mark Voight, researcher
Episode 70
- Masato Murray, statement giver in episode 70
- Philip Doah, "friend" of Masato
- Julian, victim in book
- Christopher, victim in book
- Alexander Willard, victim in book
- John Kendrick, friend of Masato
Episodes 71-80[]
Episode 71
- Karolina Górka, statement giver in episode 71
- Andrew Barnet, Karolina's colleague
- Leanne Hiliard, Karolina's friend
- Mark Hiliard, Leanne's husband
- Tamara Simpkin, Karolina's housemate
- Nicholas Lekman, man who disappeared on "the night tube"
Episode 72
- Craig Goodall, statement giver in episode 72
- Han Yong/John Haan, owner of "Waltham Express Grill"
- Lanying Haan, John's wife
- Leroy Yates, Craig's friend
- Haan Tao/Tom Haan, John's nephew.
Episode 73
- Basira Hussain, statement giver in episode 73
- Leo Altman, section 31 offiicer
- Callum Brodie, child kidnapped by Maxwell Rayner
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Basira's Partner
- Maxwell Rayner, leader of The People's Church of the Divine Host from ep. 9 and ep. 52
- Officer Goodman
- Natalie Ennis, killed Leo Altman, Kathy's roommate in ep. 25
Episode 74
- Lydia Halligan, statement giver in episode 74
- Michael, strange being from ep. 26 and ep. 47
- Vanessa, waitress at "Nighthawks at the Diner"
Episode 75
- Stephen Walker, statement giver in episode 75
- Grant Walker, Stephen's brother
- Jim Hancock, the Walker brothers' neighbour
- Carly, Stephen's ex-girlfriend
- Michael Crew, the man with the lightning scar from ep. 4 and ep. 46
- Robert Kelly, subject of statement in ep. 21
Episode 76
- Melanie King, statement giver in episode 76
- Sarah Baldwin, being from ep. 28
- Toni, Melanie's friend and member of "Ghost Hunt UK"
- Pete, Melanie's friend and member of "Ghost Hunt UK"
- Andy, Melanie's friend and member of "Ghost Hunt UK"
- William W. Hay, occultist
Episode 77
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Lucy Cooper, statement giver in episode 77
- Rose Cooper, Lucy's "mother"
- George Cooper, Lucy's father
- Laurence, Lucy's fiance
- Tom Harrison, the Coopers' neighbour
- Joanne Fisher, the Coopers' neighbour
- Neil Angus, vicar at the Church of St. Peter's
- Adelard Dekker
Episode 78
- Lawrence Moore, statement giver in episode 78
- Carl Moore, Lawrence's cousin
- Adam Moore, Lawrence's brother
- Adelard Dekker, "exorcist"
- Michael, strange being from ep. 26, ep. 47 and ep. 74
Episode 79
- Not-Sasha
- Michael
Episode 80
- Jurgen Leitner, statement giver in episode 80
- John Ruskin, author of "The Seven Lamps of Architecture"
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect
- Jacob Feng, Leitner Assistant
- Gerard Keay, beat up Leitner, appeared in ep. 4, ep. 12 and ep. 35
- Desmond Lorell, first told Leitner about the books
- Thomas McMann, Leitner Assistant
- Mary Johnson, Leitner Assistant
- Gregory Todd, Leitner Assistant
- Leandra Toulouse, Leitner Assistant
- Michael, The Distortion
- Domingo, Leitner Assistant
Episodes 81-90[]
Episode 81
- Jonathan Sims, statement giver in episode 81
- Jurgen Leitner, collector of cursed books
- Thomas/Daniel/Michael, John's childhood bully
- Georgie Barker, John's friend/roommate and host of "What the Ghost?"
Episode 82
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Section 31 Detective
- Martin Blackwood, statement giver in episode 82
- Tim Stoker, statement giver in episode 82
- Elias Bouchard, statement giver in episode 82
- Calvin Benchley, Daisy's childhood best friend and first murder
Episode 83
- Chloe Ashburt, statement giver in episode 83
- Lana Billings, line manager at Fanton's
- Jan, Chloe's coworker at Fanton's
- Liam, Chloe's coworker at Fanton's
- Breekon & Hope, delivery men
Episode 84
- Adrian Weiss, statement giver in episode 84
- Gordan Goodman, Adrian's childhood friend
- Margaret "Maggie" Carnegie, local hoarder
- Davey Morgan, Adrian's elementary classmate
- William Hughes Mearns, real-life poet of "Antigonish"
- Eric Delano, former archival assistant
Episode 86
- Benjamin Hatendi, statement giver in episode 86
- Robin Patton, friend of Benjamin
Episode 87
- Sebastian Skinner, statement giver in episode 87
- Megan, woman who called Sebastian, previously in episode 1
- Nikola Orsinov
- Jude Perry, Avatar of the Desolation
Episode 88
- Enrique MacMillan, statement giver in episode 88
- Sonja, runs Artefact Storage at the Magnus Institute
Episode 89
- Jude Perry, statement giver in episode 89
- Agnes Montague, Avatar of the Desolation
- Sandy, follower of the Lightless Flame
- Nicholas Tregenza, colleague and victim of Jude Perry
- Julie Tregenza, Nicholas' wife
- Desmond Tregenza, Nicholas's son
- Gretchen, Jude Perry's ex-girlfriend
Episode 90
- Ross Davenport, statement giver in episode 90
- Matt, owner of Ross's old gym
- Jared "J" Hopworth, owner of the gym
- Marie Balandin, gym member
Episodes 91-100[]
Episode 91
- Michael "Mike" Crew, statement giver in episode 91
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Section 31 Detective and Basira's partner
- Basira Hussain, Section 31 Constable and Daisy's partner
Episode 92
- Chief Inspector Kaugery
- Barnabas Bennett, statement giver in episode 92
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Mordechai Lukas, Jonah Magnus's friend
- Rosie, Magnus Institute Secretary
Episode 93
- Lester Chang, statement giver in episode 93
- The Admiral, Georgie's cat
- Danielle "Dani" Chang, Lester's wife
- Greg Russell, Lester's father-in-law
- Sandra Russell, Lester's mother-in-law
- Breekon & Hope, Aspects of the Stranger
Episode 94
- Georgina "Georgie" Barker, statement giver in episode 94
- Alex Brooke, Georgie's friend and medical student at Corpus Christi
Episode 95
- Luca Moretti, statement giver in episode 95
- Antonio Cannavar, Luca's friend
Episode 96
- Alfred Breekon, statement giver in episode 96
- Breekon & Hope, Aspects of the Stranger and alleged delivery men
- Sarah Baldwin, runs the Trophy Room, previously in ep. 1 and ep. 28
- Daniel Rawlings, previous owner of the trophy room, previously from ep. 1 and ep. 54
Episode 97
- Jackson Ellis, statement giver in episode 97
- Thomas "Tommy" Krycek, Jackson's roommate
- Nikola Orsinov, Avatar of the Stranger
Episode 98
- Dr. Algernon Moss, statement giver in episode 98
- Maxwell Rayner, leader of The People's Church of the Divine Host
- John Franklin, explorer and captain of the HMS Terror
- John Heyrick Macaulay, headmaster at Repton School
- George Denman, Algernon's childhood friend
- [E. T. A.] Hoffmann, author of "Der Sandmann"
- The Sandman, monster of the Dark
Episode 99
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Robert E. Geiger, statement giver in episode 99
- Stefan Brotchen, victim
- Harry Eisenhard, photographer
- Michael Shelley, former archival assistant
- Mr. Vargas, previous statement giver
- Jan Kilbride, suspected affiliate of the Vast
- Breekon and Hope, aspects of the Stranger
Episode 100
- Lynne Hammond, statement giver in episode 100
- "John Smith", statement giver in episode 100
- "Jeremy", "John Smith's" friend
- Robin "Rob" Lennox, statement giver in episode 100
- Jackie, Rob's dog
- Brian Finlinson, statement giver in episode 100
- "Gav", Lynne's friend
- Peter Lukas
Episodes 101-110[]
Episode 101
- Nikola Orsinov, Avatar of the Stranger
- Breekon & Hope, Aspects of the Stranger
- Michael, statement giver in episode 101
- Michael Shelley, former archival assistant
- Ryan, Michael Shelley's childhood friend
- Peter Lukas, Avatar of the Lonely
- Helen Richardson, statement giver in ep. 47
Episode 102
- François Deschamps, statement giver in episode 102
- Benoît Maçon, François's Colleague
- Lucille, manager at Le Papillon Blanc
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
- Hannah, librarian at the Magnus Institute
Episode 103
- Dylan Anderson, statement giver in episode 103
- Melinda, Dylan's cousin
- Toby, one of Dylan's pigs
- Kurt Anderson, Dylan's brother
- Angus Dale, member of the Carley Brother's circus
- Mason, Dylan's Friend
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner, Section 31 Detective
Episode 104
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
- Eduardo Acosta, statement giver
- Leanne Denikin, statement giver in ep. 24
- Tim Stoker , statement giver in episode 104
- Danny Stoker, Tim's brother
- Abigail "Abby" Ellison, Tim and Danny's friend
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect
- Joseph "Joey" Grimaldi, Victorian clown
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
Episode 105
- Zhang Xiaoling, librarian at the Pu Songling Research Center
- Second Lieutenant Charles Fleming, statement giver in episode 105
- William Hall, captain of the Nemesis
Episode 106
- Melanie King, archival assistant
- Jan Kilbride, statement giver in episode 106 , previously mentioned in ep. 99
- Simon Fairchild, Avatar of the Vast, previously mentioned in ep. 21 and ep. 51
- Manuela Dominguez, researcher on the Daedalus, previously mentioned in ep. 57
- Carter Chilcott, experiment subject on the Daedalus, statement giver in ep. 57
- Basira Hussain, archival assistant
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Georgie Barker, host of the podcast “What The Ghost?”
Episode 107
- Louis Brown, nurse at UPMC
- Jay Rebecks, American police officer
- Howard Ewing, statement giver in episode 107
- Kelly Dwyer, Howard's coworker
- Vihan Prasad, Howard's coworker
- Julia Montauk, Hunter, statement giver in ep. 9
- Officer Mustermann, alleged police officer
- Trevor Herbert, Hunter, statement giver in ep. 10 and ep. 56
Episode 108
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
- Adonis Biros, statement giver in episode 108
- David Austin, director
- Patrick Dunlevy, actor
- Peter Lukas, Avatar of the Lonely
- Basira Hussain, archival assistant
- Natalie Ennis, follower of the Dark, previously in ep. 25 and ep. 73
- Edmond Halley, IRL astronomer
- John Flamsteed, IRL astronomer
Episode 109
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in episode 109
- Julia Montauk, statement giver in episode 109
- Vardhan Darvish, manager at DKN Systems
- Old Davey, friend of Trevor's
- Officer Mustermann, alleged police officer
Episode 110
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
- Alexia Crawley, statement giver in episode 110
- Dexter Banks, director
- Debbie Connor, casting director
- Neil Lagorio, practical effects creator
- Brandon Omar, actor in Widow's Weave
- Chadwick Frazier, actor in Widow's Weave
- Basira Hussain, archival assistant
- Melanie King, archival assistant
Episodes 111-120[]
Episode 111
- Gerard Keay, statement giver in episode 111
- Mary Keay, Gerard’s mother
- Julia Montauk, statement giver in ep. 9
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in ep. 10 and ep. 56
- Jan Kelly, alias of Gertrude Robinson
- The Lukas family, rich family connected to the Lonely
- The Fairchilds, rich family connected to the Vast
- Von Closen, noble house from ep. 23
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Jurgen Leitner, Norwegian book collector
- John Flamsteed, 17th-century astronomer
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect, frequently mentioned
- Max Mustermann, connected to medical students from ep. 34
Episode 112
- Lisa Carmel, statement giver in episode 112
- Lizzie Borden, famous suspected murderer from the 19th-century
- Tillie Klimek, early 20th-century serial killer
- Jamie Sanders, Murder Club member
- Ananya Kaleka, Murder Club member
- Evelyn, Murder Club member
- Andrew Cochrane, Murder Club member
- Debbie Truss, Murder Club member
- Matis, Lisa Carmel’s flatmate
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
Episode 113
- Adelard Dekker, statement giver in episode 113
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in ep. 10 and ep. 56
- Dr. Lionel Elliott, statement giver in ep. 34
- Justin Gough, avatar of the End
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Bianca, Coroner friend of Adelard Dekker
- Gerard Keay, goth-looking man, frequently mentioned
Episode 114
- Anya Villette, statement giver in episode 114
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- George Icarus, name on grave that got robbed
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
Episode 115
- Mikaele Salesa, statement giver in episode 115
- Jurgen Leitner, Norwegian collector of paranormal books
- Warren, old co-worker of Salesa
- “Cook”, cook aboard Salesa’s ship
- Leigh, Salesa’s quartermaster
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Helen, entity from ep. 101
- Michael, the Distortion
Episode 116
- Abraham Janssen, statement giver in episode 116
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Wolfgang von Kempelen, creator of the Mechanical Turk
- François-André Danican Philidor, 18th-century chess master
- Lanthorn, acquaintance of Abraham Janssen
- Empress Maria Theresa, 18th-century Habsburg empress
Episode 117
- Jonathan Sims, statement giver in episode 117
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner, statement giver in episode 117
- Basira Hussain, statement giver in episode 117
- Timothy Stoker, statement giver in episode 117
- Melanie King, statement giver in episode 117
- Martin Blackwood, statement giver in episode 117
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- George Icarus, alias of Jurgen Leitner
- Maxwell Rayner, leader of The People's Church of the Divine Host
- Gerard Keay, goth-looking man, frequently mentioned
Episode 118
- Ivo Lensik, statement giver in ep. 8
- Harold Silvana, statement giver in ep. 35
- Dylan Anderson, statement giver in ep. 103
- Benjamin Hatendi, statement giver in ep. 86
- Albrecht von Closen, statement giver in ep. 23
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Jane Prentiss, worm lady
- Nikola Orsinov, avatar of the Stranger
Episode 119
- Nikola Orsinov, avatar of the Stranger
- Sarah Baldwin, being from ep. 28
- Daniel Rawlings, previous owner of the trophy room
- Breekon & Hope, cockney delivery men
- Joseph Grimaldi, famous actor and comedian from the late 18th-century
- Gregor Orsinov, ringmaster of the Circus of the Other
Episode 120
- Elias Bouchard, statement giver in episode 120
- Henderson, chief inspector at the Metropolitan police
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
Episodes 121-130[]
Episode 121
- Oliver Banks, statement giver in episode 121, used the name Antonio Blake in ep. 11
- Dr. Thomas Pritchard, chemist and motorcyclist
- Captain MacAvey, captain of the ship
- Clara, senior marine biologist
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
Episode 122
- Lorell St. John, statement giver in episode 122
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- Danielle, housemate of Lorell
- Liam, housemate of Lorell
- Norma, colleague of Lorell
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
Episode 123
- Angie Santos, statement giver in episode 123
- Gregory Cox, web developer
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Carlos Vittery, statement giver in ep. 16
Episode 124
- Julian Jennings, statement giver in episode 124
- Otto Hessler, cable car driver
- Simon Fairchild, old man from ep. 21 and 51
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
Episode 125
- Sergeant Terrence Simpson, statement giver in episode 125
- Callum McKenzie, pub owner in Lancraig
- Constable Carla Ross, Terrance's partner
- Angus Stewart, resident of Lancraig
Episode 126
- Debra Madaki, statement giver in episode 126
- Gabriel, fellow participant in sculpting class
- Jenny, organiser of local community centre
- George, friend of Debra
- Rosa, friend of Debra
- Mary Randall, fellow participant in sculpting class
- Bill, fellow participant in sculpting class
- Ray Quintin, sculpting class teacher
- Desmond, acquaintance of Debra
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Adelard Dekker, acquaintance and occasional co-worker of Gertrude Robinson
Episode 127
- Dr. Jonathan Fanshawe, statement giver in episode 127
- Albrecht von Closen, statement giver in ep. 23
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Carla, Albrecht's wife, deceased
- Greta, Albrecht's housekeeper
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
Episode 128
- Breekon, statement giver in episode 128
- Alfred Breekon, statement giver in ep. 96
- Nikola Orsinov, avatar of the Stranger
- Jack, dead sailor
- Gregor Orsinov, ringmaster of the Circus of the Other
- Joseph Grimaldi, famous actor and comedian from the late 18th-century
Episode 129
- Kulbir Shakya, statement giver in episode 129
- Gertrude Robinson, former head archivist
- Jan Kilbride, statement giver in ep. 106
Episode 130
- Lucia Wright, statement giver in episode 130
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Tom Haan, truck driver and Avatar of The Flesh.
- Toby Carlisle, upstairs neighbour from ep. 18
- Adelard Dekker, acquaintance and occasional co-worker of Gertrude Robinson
Episodes 131-140[]
Episode 131
- Jared Hopworth, statement giver in episode 131
- Helen, entity from ep. 101
- Sebastian Adekoya, statement giver in ep. 17
- Regan Hasnain, victim of the Boneturner
Episode 132
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner, statement giver in episode 132
Episode 133
- Percy Fawcett, statement giver in episode 133
- João da Silva Guimarães, wrote an account of the lost city of Z in 1753
- Jack Fawcett, Percy’s son
- Raleigh Rimell, friend of Jack's
- John Franklin, famed polar explorer
- Eduard von Toll, famed polar explorer who went missing when searching for Sannikov Land
Episode 134
- Adelard Dekker, statement giver in episode 134
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Bernadette Delcour, works at the Faculté de Théologie, in the University of Lyon
- Garland Hillier, member of the Millerite movement during the early 1840s.
- William Miller, leader of the Millerite movement
- Monsieur Pinard, acquaintance of Bernadette Delcour
Episode 135
- Manuela Dominguez, statement giver in episode 135
- Maxwell Rayner, leader of the Cult of the Lightless Flame
- The Lukas Family, rich family that co-funded the Daedalus
- The Fairchilds, rich family that co-funded the Daedalus
- Jan Kilbride, statement giver in ep. 106
- Carter Chilcott, statement giver in ep. 57
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Vardhan Darvish, manager at DKN from ep. 109
Episode 136
- Alison Killala, statement giver in episode 136
- Neil Lagorio, famous special effects artist
- Gabe, Neil’s ex-partner
- John Carpenter, an American filmmaker
- Annabelle Cane, subject of ESP experiment in ep. 69
- Melanie's therapist
Episode 137
- Wallis Turner, statement giver in episode 137
- Leonard Holden, fellow POW
- Milton, fellow POW
- Adelard Dekker, acquaintance and occasional co-worker of Gertrude Robinson
- Gerard Keay, goth-looking man, frequently mentioned
- Eric Delano, former Archival Assistant
- Elias Bouchard, current head of the Magnus Institute
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Mary Keay, owner of Pinhole Books and statement giver in ep. 62
Episode 138
- Robert Smirke, statement giver in episode 138
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Elias Bouchard, current head of the Magnus Institute
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Mr. Rayner, possibly Maxwell
- Mordechai Lukas, acquaintance of Jonah Magnus and Robert Smirke
- George Gilbert Scott, prolific architect in the 19th-century
- Alexander Cunningham, archaeologist
- Laura Smirke, Robert’s daughter
Episode 139
- Eugene Vanderstock, statement giver in episode 139
- Agnes Montague, woman Jack Barnabas shortly dated and mysterious child from ep. 8 and ep. 59
- Arthur Nolan, Jane Prentiss’ landlord
- Glenn Dunlop, Eugene's childhood friend
- Diego Molina, arsonist, Burn victim in ep. 12
- Eileen Montague, Agnes' mother
- Raymond Fielding, owner of the house on Hill Top Road
- Jude Perry, statement giver in ep. 89
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Jack Barnabas, statement giver in ep. 67
- Helen, entity from ep. 101
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
Episode 140
- John Flamsteed, statement giver in episode 140
- Maxwell Rayner, leader of The People’s Church of the Divine Host
- Edmund Halley, astronomer, called Reimer by Flamsteed
- Abraham Sharp, receives letter from Flamsteed
- Isaac Newton, famous scientist
- Nicolaus Reimer, 16th-century astronomer, supposedly plagiarised Tycho Brahe’s work
- Tycho Brahe, 16th-century astronomer
- Miss Peterson, Basira's year eight PE teacher
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
Episodes 141-150[]
Episode 141
- Floyd Matharu, statement giver in episode 141, worked with Salesa
- Mikaele Salesa, dealer of strange antiques/objects from ep. 38 and ep. 45
- Gaultier, captain of the Dorian
- Jésus, former crew on the Dorian, deceased
- Gantulga, crew on the Dorian, deceased
- Dantez, crew on the Dorian
- Christoph, crew on the Dorian, deceased
- Adreas, crew on the Dorian, deceased
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
Episode 142
- Jess Tyrell, statement giver in episode 142
- Abby, one of the work crew at one of her old jobs
- Grant or Gareth or Gary or Gavin, Jess' date
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
Episode 143
- Manuela Dominguez, statement giver in episode 143
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Maxwell Rayner, leader of The People’s Church of the Divine Host
- Natalie Ennis, Katherine Harper’s roommate in ep. 25
- Linette, Julia Montauk’s mother
- Robert Montauk, serial killer from ep. 9
- Vardhan Darvish, manager at DKN from ep. 109
- Helen, entity from ep. 101
Episode 144
- Gary Boylan, statement giver in episode 144
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Mrs. Whitshore, Gary Boylan’s neighbour
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
Episode 145
- Arthur Nolan, statement giver in episode 145
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Agnes Montague, mysterious child who stayed at Hill Top Road
- Eugene Vanderstock, statement giver in ep. 139
- Fielding, previous owner of Hill Top Road
- Diego Molina, arsonist, burn victim in ep. 12
- Roger, cult member
- Jude Perry, statement giver in ep. 89
- Jack Barnabas, statement giver in ep. 67
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
Episode 146
- Marcus McKenzie, statement giver in episode 146
- Luke, friend of Marcus McKenzie
- Sandra, friend of Marcus McKenzie
- Helen, entity from ep. 101
- Floyd Matharu, statement giver in ep. 141
- Jess Tyrell, statement giver in ep. 142
- Annabelle Cane, subject of ESP experiment in ep. 69
Episode 147
- Annabelle Cane, statement giver in episode 147
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Lizzie Cane, Annabelle’s sister
Episode 148
- Sunil Maraj, statement giver in episode 148
- Samson Stiller, co-corker of Sunil Maraj
- Dave, another co-worker
- Elias Bouchard, current head of the Magnus Institute
- Annabelle Cane, subject of ESP experiment in ep. 69
Episode 149
- Judith O’Neill, statement giver in episode 149
- Fernanda Mikado, co-worker of Judith O’Neill
- Dr. Nikos Anastos, climate scientist
- Adelard Dekker, acquaintance and occasional co-worker of Gertrude Robinson
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Georgie Barker, host of the podcast "What the Ghost?"
Episode 150
- Herman Gorgoli, statement giver in episode 150
- Alberto, his ex-boyfriend
- Yotunde Uthman, dead woman
Episodes 151-160[]
Episode 151
- Simon Fairchild, statement giver in episode 151
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Harley, old acquaintance of Simon
- Tintoretto, 16th-century painter
Episode 152
- Hezekiah Wakely, statement giver in episode 152
- Nathaniel Beale, friend of Hezekiah Wakely
- Nellie Cooper, child who was almost buried alive
- Dr. Grant, local doctor
- Jacob, local baker
- Manuela Dominguez, crewmember of the Daedalus from ep. 57
- Jane Prentiss, worm lady
- Helen, entity from ep. 101
Episode 153
- Barbara Mullen-Jones, statement giver in episode 153
- Joyce, meditation course leader
- Arnold, chef at the compound of The Divine Chains
- Claude Vilakazi, leader of The Divine Chains
- Agape, stray dog
- Mary, cult member
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in ep. 10 and 56
- Julia Montauk, statement giver in ep. 9
- Gerard Keay, goth-looking man, frequently mentioned
Episode 154
- Eric Delano, statement giver in episode 154
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Mary Keay, statement giver in ep. 62
- Gerard Keay, goth-looking man, frequently mentioned
- James Wright, previous head of the Magnus Institute
- Elias Bouchard, current head of the Magnus Institute
- Michael Shelley, assistant to Gertrude Robinson
- Emma, assistant to Gertrude Robinson
- Adelard Dekker, acquaintance and occasional co-worker of Gertrude Robinson
Episode 155
- Tova McHugh, statement giver in episode 155
- Annabelle Cane, subject of ESP experiment in ep. 69
- Daven, Tova McHugh’s husband
Episode 156
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Adelard Dekker, acquaintance and occasional co-worker of Gertrude Robinson
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Episode 157
- Adelard Dekker, statement giver in episode 157
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Annabelle Cane, subject of ESP experiment in ep. 69
- Christabel, employee at the ECDC
- John Amherst, director Ivy Meadows in ep. 36, mentioned in ep. 55
- Mr Becker, resident of Klanxbüll, Germany
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- Helen, statement giver in ep. 47
- Episode 158
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Jurgen leitner, collector of paranormal books
- Sasha James (?), Archival assistant
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect, frequently mentioned
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Annabelle Cane, subject of ESP experiment in ep. 69
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Maxwell Rayner, connected to the People’s Church of the Divine Host, frequently mentioned
- Trevor Herbert, statement giver in ep. 56 and 10
- Julia Montauk, statement giver in ep. 9
- Episode 159
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Aaron Lukas, Peter’s brother
- Judith Lukas, Peter’s sister
- James Wright, previous head of the Magnus Institute
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Simon Fairchild, old man first mentioned in ep. 21
- Mikaele Salesa, dealer of strange antiques and objects
- Maxwell Rayner, connected to the People’s Church of the Divine Host, frequently mentioned
- Adelard Dekker, has been known to work with Gertrude Robinson
- Episode 160
- Hazel Rutter, statement giver in episode 160
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect, frequently mentioned
- George Gilbert Scott, mentioned in ep. 50
- Maxwell Rayner, connected to the People’s Church of the Divine Host, frequently mentioned
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Jane Prentiss, worm lady first mentioned in ep. 6
- Sasha James (?), archival assistant
- Jurgen Leitner, collector of paranormal books
- Michael Crew, man with Lichtenberg scar first mentioned in ep. 4
- Jared Hopworth, the Boneturner, first mentioned in ep. 17
- Peter Lukas, captain of the Tundra
- Helen Richardson, statement giver in ep. 47
Episodes 161-170[]
Episode 161
- Sasha James, archival assistant
- Timothy Stoker, archival assistant
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Jurgen Leitner, collector of paranormal books
Episode 162
- Gerard Keay, frequently mentioned goth-looking man
- Gertrude Robinson, former Head Archivist
- Mr Hampton, killed by a book only identified as The Travels
- Elias Bouchard, head of the Magnus Institute
- Sasha James, archival assistant
- Timothy Stoker, archival assistant
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
Episode 163
- Martin Blackwood, archival assistant
- Charlie, soldier in the Trench
- Ryan, soldier in the Trench
- Ishaan, soldier in the Trench
- Hasanna, nurse in the Trench
- Alexei, soldier in the Trench
Episode 164
- Gillian Smith, head of the village council
- Mrs Kim, village resident
- Martin Blackwood
- Basira Hussain
- Alice "Daisy" Tonner
- Melanie King
- Georgie Barker, host of the podcast “What The Ghost?”
- Elias Bouchard, head of The Magnus Institute
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web
- Helen, the Distortion
Episode 165
- Nikola Orsinov, avatar of The Stranger
- Hannah
- Veronica
- Julian
- Anya
- Not-Sasha, NotThem pretending to be Sasha James
- Sasha James, archival assistant
Episode 166
- Helen, the Distortion
- Sam, worm
- Richard, worm
- Annabelle Cane, statement giver in ep. 147
Episode 167
- Gertrude Robinson, former head archivist
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web
- Angus Stacey, former head archivist, preceding Gertrude Robinson
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Magnus Institute
- Richard Mendelson, former head of the Magnus Institute, preceding James Wright
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect
- Fiona Law, assistant to Gertrude Robinson, previously mentioned in ep. 29
- Eric Delano, former assistant to Gertrude Robinson
- Emma Harvey, assistant to Gertrude Robinson
- Agnes Montague, avatar of The Desolation
- The Sandman, monster of the Dark, previously appeared in ep. 98
- Mary Keay, Gerard Keay’s mother
- Michael Shelley, assistant to Gertrude Robinson
- Sarah Carpenter, assistant to Gertrude Robinson, previously mentioned in ep. 27
- Elias Bouchard, head of The Magnus Institute
- Jurgen Leitner, Norwegian collector of paranormal books
- Adelard Dekker, occasional collaborator with Gertrude Robinson
- Gerard Keay, occasional collaborator with Gertrude Robinson
- Mikaele Salesa, artefact smuggler and occasional collaborator with Gertrude Robinson
- Episode 168
- Oliver Banks, avatar of The End
- Not-Sasha, NotThem pretending to be Sasha James
- Danika Gelsthorpe, victim trapped in the Corpse Roots
- Maria, acquaintance of Danika
- Bobby, acquaintance of Danika
- Dennis, acquaintance of Danika
- Episode 169
- Jude Perry, avatar of The Desolation
- Arthur Nolan, avatar of The Desolation
- Sabina, victim trapped in Jude Perry’s domain
- Episode 170
- Sasha James, archival assistant
- Not-Sasha, NotThem pretending to be Sasha James
Episodes 171-180[]
- Episode 171
- Jared Hopworth, avatar of The Flesh
- Fuertisium Reese, a Gristlebloom Orchid
- Gristleium Patricia, a Bone Rose
- Cicadium Leopold, a Cutaway Tulip
- Sopranium Maeve, a Lily of the Damned
- Arthur Nolan, avatar of The Desolation
- Jude Perry, avatar of The Desolation
- Episode 172
- Francis, victim in a domain of The Web
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web
- Episode 173
- Callum Brodie, avatar of The Dark
- Maxwell Rayner, deceased avatar of The Dark
- Jack, victim in a domain of The Dark
- Kaitlyn, fellow victim
- Luka, fellow victim
- Episode 174
- Mehreen, victim in a domain of The Vast
- Edward, fellow victim
- Simon Fairchild, avatar of The Vast
- Peter Lukas, avatar of The Lonely
- Helen, the Distortion
- Episode 175
- Leah, victim in a domain of The Extinction
- The Thing That Lives, a native of this domain
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect
- Episode 176
- Trevor Herbert, hunting partner of Julia Montauk
- Julia Montauk, hunting partner of Trevor Herbert
- The Magnus Archives Liveshow
- Rosie, employee of The Magnus Institute
- Episode 177
- Doctor David, psychiatrist at Wonderland House
- Noah Thompson, victim of Daisy
- Helen, the distortion
- Episode 178
- Tyler, victim in a domain of The Flesh
- Isabelle Moran, victim of Daisy
- unnamed avatar
- Episode 179
- Derek, victim in a domain of The Desolation
- Tilly, Derek’s daughter
- Colin, Derek’s friend
Episode 180
- Unnamed statement giver, victim of the Necropolis domain.
- Unnamed woman, abuser of the statement giver.
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web.
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer.
Episodes 181-190[]
Episode 181
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of the web
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer
Episode 182
- Dr. Jane Doe, avatar of the stranger
- Breekon, agent of the stranger
- Jeremy M, victim of St.Bleedings domain
- Renee T, victim of St.Bleedings domain
- Kelly M, victim of St.Bleedings domain
- Episode 183
- Helen, the distortion
- "Doctor something," victim of monument domain
- "Professor," victim of monument domain
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect
- Episode 184
- Jordan Kennedy, statement giver in MAG 55
- Leto, victim of the ant domain
- John Amherst, avatar of The Corruption
- Ants, avatar(s) of The Corruption
- Episode 185
- Tina, victim in the prison domain
- The Inspector, victim in the prison domain
- Episode 186
- Tim, victim in Martin’s domain, specified to not be Timothy Stoker
- Unnamed man, victim in Martin’s domain
- Unnamed woman, victim in Martin’s domain
- Episode 187
- Helen Richardson, statement giver in ep. 47
- Michael, the Distortion’s former identity
- The guest, Alex's mother and victim in Helen's domain
- Alex, son of Helen’s victim, maybe 4 or 5 years old
- Episode 188
- Carmen, victim in a domain of The Eye
- Simone, Carmen's ex
- Carmen's Therapist, being in London domain
- Carmen's roommate, being in London domain
Episode 189
- The minister, victim in a domain of The Eye
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- Melanie King, former archival assistant
- Episode 190
- Celia, cult member
- Laverne, cult member and Melanie's therapist from ep. 136
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- Melanie King, former archival assistant
- Arun, cult member
- Jurgen Leitner, collector of paranormal books
- The Admiral, Georgie Barker’s cat
- Helen, The Distortion
- Danielle, cult member
Episodes 191-200[]
- Episode 191
- Unnamed Person, cult member
- Arun, cult member
- Celia, cult member
- Laverne, cult member and Melanie's therapist
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- Melanie King, former archival assistant
- The Admiral, Georgie Barker’s cat
- Episode 192
- Rosie Zampano, assistant to Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
- Georgie Barker, host of the “What The Ghost?” podcast
- Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus, head of The Magnus Institute
- Past Archivists
- Episode 193
- James Wright, former host body of Jonah Magnus
- Elias Bouchard, current host body of Jonah Magnus
- Jonah Magnus, founder of the Institute
- Allan Schrieber, friend of the original Elias, deceased
- Episode 194
- Rosie Zampano, assistant to Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
- Malcolm, victim in a domain of The Eye
- Mary, person on dating site
- Jenny, person on dating site
- Hannah, person on dating site
- Antonia, person on dating site
- Celia, cult member
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer, deceased
- Episode 195
- Mikaele Salesa, antiques dealer, deceased
- Helen, The Distortion
- Episode 196
- Eowa, Saxon man who built the first residence in the future location of 105 Hill Top Road
- Geoffrey Neckam, past resident of 105 Hill Top Road
- Raymond Fielding, owner of 105 Hill Top Road in the 1960s
- Episode 197
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web
- Robert Smirke, 19th-century architect
- Episode 198
- Annabelle Cane, avatar of The Web
- Episode 199
- Angela, mysterious lady from episode 14