Statement of Masato Murray, regarding an unusual inheritance and the causes thereof.
Masato Murray had a mutual dislike for Phillip Doah so he was surprised when he left him a book in his will. Phil died at the age of 37 when he was hit by a train in February.
Phil left Masato a black book, called his journal in the will. It did not have a title, just a quote: "Life is a current which cannot be fought. It is a march with one destination. You cannot cease your step, nor move your course, to one that skirts the journey's termination." Below this a hand written note says "You have already read too much."
The first few pages were written in hand-written Latin, but started to change into some more recognizable Middle English, until eventually it changed to current day English. The first page Masato was able to read was about the death of a man called Christopher in 1592. He was dragged through the streets behind a horse, which eventually stopped and crushed the man's head beneath its hooves.
The rest of the pages were about similar gruesome deaths. The final two pages were for Phil and Masato. Phil's page explained, in depth, his slow and painful death. Masato's page was the final one, which was to occur in Lancashire in 2014 when a passing car would hit him, impaling him on a wooden branch. Confused and slightly scared, Masato simply resolved to not go to Lancashire that year.
Unsettled, Masato started looking into the other people detailed in the book. He eventually found out more about Alexander Willard, who, in 1983, was brutally murdered during a home burglary in Alcester near Stratford-Upon-Avon.
Masato was confused: why did Phil not try to avoid what the book said? Reading his own entry again, he was horrified to find out that the book now had changed to detail how he was to die in 2012 in London from a gas-fire explosion.
He went to stay with a friend, John Kendrick, for a few days. After returning home, he dwelt on the book and his entry, finding that each time he read his entry, the time and manner of his death would change--but it would always be sooner than the last entry and it would always be painful and violent. He started to obsess about when the book changed, and what it had changed to. He found himself unable to destroy the book with fire or water or to even mark its pages with ink.
Masato decided to not bring the book to his statement recording, and refuses to make a will.
Jonathan confirmed that Masato disappeared, of his own free will, making him impossible to track down. Tim confirmed that Phillip Doah died under a train on the 1st August 2003. John has decided to stop looking for Masato as he is probably long dead.
This account has one thing different from the previous accounts of dangerous books: there was no mention of the Leitner library. John suspects that this indicates that Leitner does not have power over the books, and that they get their power from something else.
IT has found that the issue Sasha has been having with her computer was authentication-related; John hopes this means it can be fixed soon.
John is sure that Leitner did not make the books, but that they existed long before he found them. He has been down to the corridors again, whilst searching the second floor, he found a room with three wooden chairs in it with other chairs burned, and inside the ash were fragments of burned paper from The Key of Solomon.
- In MAG 4 Dominic Swain finds an eBay listing for The Key of Solomon from 2007. The auction was won by "grbookworm1818,” who is revealed to be Gertrude Robinson in MAG 66.
- Sasha had trouble with her computer in MAG 49.
ATTENTION! SPOILERS AHEAD!! This section contains information from later episodes of The Magnus Archives and may contain major spoilers for the setting and plot. Continue at your own risk. |
The actions above attributed to Sasha James are actually Not-Sasha, who replaced Sasha in MAG 39. Her colleagues are not aware of her deception at this point.
- Related Entity:
- Related Books:
- In MAG 80 Jurgen Leitner explains that he and Gertrude attempted to experiment with The Key of Solomon in 2015 but had to destroy the book when it went wrong.
- The Book of the Dead is associated with The End.
- The authentication-related issues NotSasha has with her computer likely stem from her not being Sasha.